// Quicktags.js // by Alex King // http://www.alexking.org/ // Modified by Mike Cherim // http://green-beast.com/ var edButtons = new Array(); var edLinks = new Array(); var edOpenTags = new Array(); function edButton(id, display, tagStart, tagEnd, access, open) { this.id = id; // used to name the toolbar button this.display = display; // label on button this.tagStart = tagStart; // open tag this.tagEnd = tagEnd; // close tag this.access = access; // access key this.open = open; // set to -1 if tag does not need to be closed } function zeroise(number, threshold) { // FIXME: or we could use an implementation of printf in js here var str = number.toString(); if (number < 0) { str = str.substr(1, str.length) } while (str.length < threshold) { str = "0" + str } if (number < 0) { str = '-' + str } return str; } var now = new Date(); var datetime = now.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + zeroise(now.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2) + '-' + zeroise(now.getUTCDate(), 2) + 'T' + zeroise(now.getUTCHours(), 2) + ':' + zeroise(now.getUTCMinutes(), 2) + ':' + zeroise(now.getUTCSeconds() ,2) + '+00:00'; edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_strong' ,'strong' ,'' ,'' ,'a' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_em' ,'emphasis' ,'' ,'' ,'b' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_ital' ,'italic' ,'' ,'' ,'c' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_link' ,'anchor' ,'' ,'' ,'d' ); // special case edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_img' ,'img' ,'' ,'' ,'s' ,-1 ); // special case edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_h1' ,'h1' ,'\n

' ,'

\n' ,'e' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_h2' ,'h2' ,'\n

' ,'

\n' ,'f' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_h3' ,'h3' ,'\n

' ,'

\n' ,'g' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_h4' ,'h4' ,'\n

' ,'

\n' ,'h' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_h5' ,'h5' ,'\n
' ,'
\n' ,'i' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_h6' ,'h6' ,'\n
' ,'
\n' ,'j' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_div' ,'div' ,'\n
\n' ,'\n
\n' ,'k' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_block' ,'blockquote' ,'\n
\n' ,'\n
\n' ,'l' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_cite' ,'cite' ,'--- ' ,'' ,'m' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_abbr' ,'abbr' ,'' ,'' ,'n' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_acro' ,'acronym' ,'' ,'' ,'o' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_span' ,'span' ,'' ,'' ,'p' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_del' ,'del' ,'' ,'' ,'q' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_ins' ,'ins' ,'' ,'' ,'r' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_ul' ,'ul' ,'\n\n' ,'t' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_ol' ,'ol' ,'\n
    \n' ,'\n
\n' ,'u' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_li' ,'li' ,'\n
  • ' ,'
  • \n' ,'v' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_dl' ,'dl' ,'\n
    ' ,'
    \n' ,'w' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_dt' ,'dt' ,'\n
    ' ,'
    \n' ,'x' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_dd' ,'dd' ,'\n
    ' ,'
    \n' ,'y' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_dfn' ,'dfn' ,'' ,'' ,'0' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_small' ,'small' ,'' ,'' ,'1' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_dhr' ,'div hr' ,'

    ' ,'' ,'2' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_hr' ,'hr' ,'
    ' ,'' ,'3' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_table' ,'table' ,'' ,'
    ' ,'/' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_tabhd' ,'th' ,'' ,'' ,'.' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_caption' ,'caption' ,'' ,'' ,',' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_tabrow' ,'tr' ,'' ,'' ,'-' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_tabcel' ,'td' ,'' ,'' ,'=' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_tabfoot' ,'tfoot' ,'' ,'' ,';' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_kb' ,'kbd' ,'' ,'' ,'z' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_pre' ,'pre' ,'\n
    \n' ,'4' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_code' ,'code' ,'' ,'' ,'5' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_amp' ,'&' ,'&' ,'' ,'6' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_leadcarr' ,'<' ,'<' ,'' ,'7' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_endcarr' ,'>' ,'>' ,'' ,'8' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_quot' ,'"' ,'"' ,'' ,'9' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_apos' ,''' ,''' ,'' ,'[' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_dash' ,'-' ,'-' ,'' ,']' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_comment' ,'' ,'' ,'\\' ); edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_php' ,'php' ,'<?php' ,'?>' ,'`' ); /* edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_more' ,'more' ,'' ,'' ,'' ,-1 ); */ /* edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton('ed_next' ,'page' ,'' ,'' ,'' ,-1 ); */ function edLink() { this.display = ''; this.URL = ''; this.newWin = 0; } edLinks[edLinks.length] = new edLink('WordPress' ,'http://wordpress.org/' ); edLinks[edLinks.length] = new edLink('alexking.org' ,'http://www.alexking.org/' ); function edShowButton(button, i) { if (button.id == 'ed_img') { document.write(''); } else if (button.id == 'ed_link') { document.write(''); } else { document.write(''); } } function edShowLinks() { var tempStr = ''; document.write(tempStr); } function edAddTag(button) { if (edButtons[button].tagEnd != '') { edOpenTags[edOpenTags.length] = button; document.getElementById(edButtons[button].id).value = '/' + document.getElementById(edButtons[button].id).value; } } function edRemoveTag(button) { for (i = 0; i < edOpenTags.length; i++) { if (edOpenTags[i] == button) { edOpenTags.splice(i, 1); document.getElementById(edButtons[button].id).value = document.getElementById(edButtons[button].id).value.replace('/', ''); } } } function edCheckOpenTags(button) { var tag = 0; for (i = 0; i < edOpenTags.length; i++) { if (edOpenTags[i] == button) { tag++; } } if (tag > 0) { return true; // tag found } else { return false; // tag not found } } function edCloseAllTags() { var count = edOpenTags.length; for (o = 0; o < count; o++) { edInsertTag(edCanvas, edOpenTags[edOpenTags.length - 1]); } } function edQuickLink(i, thisSelect) { if (i > -1) { var newWin = ''; if (edLinks[i].newWin == 1) { newWin = ' target="_blank"'; } var tempStr = '' + edLinks[i].display + ''; thisSelect.selectedIndex = 0; edInsertContent(edCanvas, tempStr); } else { thisSelect.selectedIndex = 0; } } function edSpell(myField) { var word = ''; if (document.selection) { myField.focus(); var sel = document.selection.createRange(); if (sel.text.length > 0) { word = sel.text; } } else if (myField.selectionStart || myField.selectionStart == '0') { var startPos = myField.selectionStart; var endPos = myField.selectionEnd; if (startPos != endPos) { word = myField.value.substring(startPos, endPos); } } if (word == '') { word = prompt('Enter a word to look up:', ''); } if (word !== null && /^\w[\w ]*$/.test(word)) { window.open('http://www.answers.com/' + escape(word)); } } function edToolbar() { document.write('
    '); for (i = 0; i < edButtons.length; i++) { edShowButton(edButtons[i], i); } document.write(''); document.write(''); // edShowLinks(); // disabled by default document.write('
    '); } // insertion code function edInsertTag(myField, i) { //IE support if (document.selection) { myField.focus(); sel = document.selection.createRange(); if (sel.text.length > 0) { sel.text = edButtons[i].tagStart + sel.text + edButtons[i].tagEnd; } else { if (!edCheckOpenTags(i) || edButtons[i].tagEnd == '') { sel.text = edButtons[i].tagStart; edAddTag(i); } else { sel.text = edButtons[i].tagEnd; edRemoveTag(i); } } myField.focus(); } //MOZILLA/NETSCAPE support else if (myField.selectionStart || myField.selectionStart == '0') { var startPos = myField.selectionStart; var endPos = myField.selectionEnd; var cursorPos = endPos; var scrollTop = myField.scrollTop; if (startPos != endPos) { myField.value = myField.value.substring(0, startPos) + edButtons[i].tagStart + myField.value.substring(startPos, endPos) + edButtons[i].tagEnd + myField.value.substring(endPos, myField.value.length); cursorPos += edButtons[i].tagStart.length + edButtons[i].tagEnd.length; } else { if (!edCheckOpenTags(i) || edButtons[i].tagEnd == '') { myField.value = myField.value.substring(0, startPos) + edButtons[i].tagStart + myField.value.substring(endPos, myField.value.length); edAddTag(i); cursorPos = startPos + edButtons[i].tagStart.length; } else { myField.value = myField.value.substring(0, startPos) + edButtons[i].tagEnd + myField.value.substring(endPos, myField.value.length); edRemoveTag(i); cursorPos = startPos + edButtons[i].tagEnd.length; } } myField.focus(); myField.selectionStart = cursorPos; myField.selectionEnd = cursorPos; myField.scrollTop = scrollTop; } else { if (!edCheckOpenTags(i) || edButtons[i].tagEnd == '') { myField.value += edButtons[i].tagStart; edAddTag(i); } else { myField.value += edButtons[i].tagEnd; edRemoveTag(i); } myField.focus(); } } function edInsertContent(myField, myValue) { //IE support if (document.selection) { myField.focus(); sel = document.selection.createRange(); sel.text = myValue; myField.focus(); } //MOZILLA/NETSCAPE support else if (myField.selectionStart || myField.selectionStart == '0') { var startPos = myField.selectionStart; var endPos = myField.selectionEnd; myField.value = myField.value.substring(0, startPos) + myValue + myField.value.substring(endPos, myField.value.length); myField.focus(); myField.selectionStart = startPos + myValue.length; myField.selectionEnd = startPos + myValue.length; } else { myField.value += myValue; myField.focus(); } } function edInsertLink(myField, i, defaultValue) { if (!defaultValue) { defaultValue = 'http://'; } if (!edCheckOpenTags(i)) { var URL = prompt('Enter the URL' ,defaultValue); if (URL) { edButtons[i].tagStart = ''; edInsertTag(myField, i); } } else { edInsertTag(myField, i); } } function edInsertImage(myField) { var myValue = prompt('Enter the URL of the image', 'http://'); if (myValue) { myValue = '' + prompt('Enter an alt attribute for the image (or leave blank)', '') 
				+ ''; edInsertContent(myField, myValue); } }