/* #################################################### THIS IS THE CASCADING STYLE SHEET (CSS) FOR PAGE 1 Coded by Mike Cherim, http://green-beast.com/ USE YOUR BACK BUTTON TO RETURN ##################################################### */ /* This would normally be the body element */ #demobody { padding : 0 15px; /* See Note Below */ margin : 0; font : 130% sans-serif; /* See Note Below */ } /* SPECIAL NOTE FOR THIS TUTORIAL: Please note that the padding and font size/generic family shown above is for this demo only as I want to simulate a completely unstyled page. The padding will be changed to zero (0) later in the tutorial, and the font size should be 100.1%, then set to roughly 0.9-0.95 ems (or percent) applied to the wrapper div. But being some of this is being affected by the parent page, I had to make the changes as shown to get the desired effect. It should also be noted the "demobody" would normally be the body element. */