Mike’s Experiments - CSS: Link Backgrounds

Based on questions developers have asked lately, it seems that offering in-line external link backgrounds is challenging, especially getting them to work and look right with Internet Explorer 6. I decided to try it for myself to see what the fuss was all about.
Get the XHTML, CSS, source. Go to back to the Mike’s Experiments index.

Lorem ispum and the Inline Links

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, beasticus verde consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi pede ante, tempus rutrum, suscipit eget, fermentum et, eros. Sed, methodii verde, bibendum augue id nisi. Duis diam nulla, pulvinar nec, hendrerit et, pellentesque a, dolor. Vestibulum aliquet, lacinia augue. Aliquam tempor, il gregiobit. Maecenas nec ipsum at justo tempus gravida: accessibilita. Cras viverra. Fusce sit amet magna. Aenean id lacus nec dolor venenatis molestie. Donec vehicula mattis nibh. Aenean quam dolor, tincidunt a, vehicula nec, mollis ut, risus. Pellentesque Blog il Beasticus rutrum, metus in consectetuer bibendum, arcu ipsum laoreet quam, a semper est purus quis eros. Donec imperdiet.

Supporting Images: Static link image, hover link image, and focus link image.

Note: The images below are being pre-loaded off-screen to enhance state-change performance:
Hover Link Image: Focus Link Image: