Experts Perform Jaws Testing

Posted March 31st, 2005 by Mike Cherim

I would like to thank Tom Glasson and Steve Green of Test Partners Ltd., User Experience Experts, of the United Kingdom, for kindly testing v.2 with the Jaws screen reader and identifying the site’s issues. Their words have not fallen on deaf ears and the vast majority of the identified issues have been corrected to make experiencing the site better for those employing a screen reader to “hear” my site’s contents. It was a rough week of work, but one that I feel is very worthwhile. Steve, Tom, thank you very much for your time, effort, and your insights. Thanks to you guys, may be enjoyed by more people than ever.

Mike Cherim

4 Responses to: “Experts Perform Jaws Testing”

  1. Carol Whitney responds:
    Posted: April 1st, 2005 at 5:33 am

    Mike, your site looks just wonderful. I hope you don’t mind if I work at emulating it in many ways. I have learned from scratch - from nothing - without being a programmer - how to make myself a web site, but I have problems with accessibility, and also, not nearly enough knowledge with layout, so that I was playing with right-side navigation, but discarded it because I had troulbe controlling it. But your site’s appearance is great: I think what holds it together are the borders on left and right (noticed that on SimpleBits, too!)

    Your example inspires me to continue working on appearance - and accessibility. Thanks a million!

    Fri, 01 Apr 2005 02:23:21 (PST)

  2. Jeffrey Freeman responds:
    Posted: October 31st, 2005 at 9:49 am

    I really am impressed by your site. Very original & interesting content.

  3. Nathan Clark responds:
    Posted: November 1st, 2005 at 10:30 am

    Excellent! I enjoyed reading your material.

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