Rainin’ like a Mutha’

Posted May 14th, 2006 by Mike Cherim

It’s been raining here in New Hampshire like crazy for the past several days. There’s a lot of flooding, small scale local stuff mostly. My house’s sump pump is running, but that’s no big deal. The woods by my house are flooded. Nasty out. And, today, Mother’s day, right down the road a bridge washes out. Check out the images:

This is very close to my home so I walked down to check it out. Once I go there I was kicking myself for not grabbing my digital camera. Fortunately my daughter and son went back down and grabbed these shots. Bummer they didn’t get a good shot of the river, it’s really raging.

It’s not supposed to stop till Tuesday. I’m starting to think I should have responded to that mysterious Post-it Note I found on my desk a few weeks back. It said:

Mike, don’t be a fool, build an ark…

5 Responses to: “Rainin’ like a Mutha’”

  1. Neal Venditto responds:
    Posted: May 14th, 2006 at 10:37 pm

    Yeah, there is some nast Noreaster-ish weather going on now in the Northeast. As luck would have it, New York City is missing it all, so we’ve actually gotten some nice weather. Just yesterday I was outside in the park, looked up, and the sky was a brilliant blue without a cloud in the sky. But I guess it’s always raining somewhere, eh?

  2. Scott Hege responds:
    Posted: May 16th, 2006 at 8:59 am

    I’ve been watching the news closely on this issue as I have some good friends that live in the northeast and it looks rough. Hopefully, the rain stops and the waters recede. Be safe.

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