GBCF-v3 Script Validation Page

This file is used to validate file paths, variable captures, server settings, and minimum configuration.
Upon completing your form's configuration you will validate the variables, functions, and script upload. After successfully trying out your test form, you should remove this page from your server. If you still have questions, please read the help page or contact Mike Cherim for assistance.

Form Version: v3 - Build Number: B3.20090130.01 - Model Number: SASU - Blocked: 18249 - Help »

Script Validation Confirmed — Unique Form ID Number: IDD3D5E7CB9EB354ABAC3ECD3E8A3DB43BMC
Congratulations! No errors were detected so far. Please manually check the variables on this page.

Page Data Information

Here you verify Form Configuration Variables like required variables, basic setup options, subject menu options, optional menu options, antispam Q and A, IP blacklist array, form display options, form input options, mail and form setttings, advanced settings, and your PID key. You will also be able to verify Form Language Settings like legend text, label text, miscellaneous form text, error messages text, and various email text snippets.

Form Configuration Variables

These are the configuration variables.

Required Variables

You'll probably want to edit the two form setup options, but for form functionality, these two variables are it.

Basic Form Setup Options

These are some basic setup options. You will want to do these as well, even though they aren't actually required.

Subject Menu Select Options

These sample subject lines can be found in the configuration file in the form on an array… not the language file.

Option Menu Select Options

This menu is (optional). Its default state serves as an example. The sample options can be found in the configuration file.

Anti-Spam Question and Answer

Make sure this is extremely simple. Tip: Math like 1+1=2, for example, is international, if support for such is needed. This, too, is a config file edit.

User Blacklist IP Array

Use this as a last resort and know that it is not completely effective. It only works against users with a static IP address.

Form Display Options

You can manage a few common styling needs while Mike helps ensure the form's accessibility and validity stays intact.

Form Input Options

These are optional data inputs you may want to enable or disable. All can be turned on or off if wanted, safely.

Mail and Form Settings

Accommodate various email and form options to meet your site and server synchronization and character support needs.

Advanced Settings

In case more form detailed control is needed. Needs may be determined by server settings or your language for example.

Form Identification Keys

This helps ensure your form installation is 100% unique to mitigate the possibility of exploit distribution should one be found.

Form Language Settings

The en language file is currently selected. The language files, nl, tr, ro, ja, sv, pl, da, ru, es-sp, zh-tw, pt-br, it, sk, zh-cn, el, my, ca, pt, id, fr, no, he, lv, es, cy, en, be, en-us, de, fi, gl, en-gb, are available.

Legend Text

These are the various form legends used on the form. Short terms are recommended, but you have many options. Edit in your chosen language file.

Label Text

These are the various label texts used throughout the form. Edit in your chosen language file.

Miscellaneous Form Text

These are other bits of text used in association with the form. Edit in your chosen language file.

Error Messages Text

Where there are forms there will be errors. Be polite, just in case a human sees a bot error. Edit in your chosen language file.

Email Text Snippets

This makes up the various bits of your emails (to you and your form user). Edit in your chosen language file.

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