Archive for “WordPressing”

The following entries were made in the “WordPressing” category.

Redline Guiding is Born

Posted September 11th, 2016 by Mike Cherim

Redline Guiding My wife Barb and I have started down our own road. Getting married changed things for me, for her, for both of us. We needed to start fresh. The path I was already on as a mountain guide is an enjoyable one, so we upped the ante in that direction: we started our own guiding agency in North Conway. Thus, I’m happy to share with you the birth of Redline Guiding.

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Tips for Posting Code Online

Posted February 1st, 2009 by Mike Cherim

Many web developers who blog at some point share a little code or scripting. We do this to give away a hard-earned/hard-learned tip or trick, or in some cases to offer a whole script or code solution. We try to make the Internet a better place. This is a great thing about the web, all this openness and sharing over the years. I’ve observed over those years, though, that some post code more effectively than others. I’ve seen code posted on the web that was hard to read, difficult to access, and sometimes nearly impossible to use. Based on these observations, and based on my own personal preferences in some instances, I have come up with the following tips for posting code online.

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The Minutiae Motherload

Posted April 3rd, 2008 by Mike Cherim

It’s time to get a couple of nasty old Post-It notes off my desk. They’re dusty and faded, they no longer stick to anything, and their edges are curled. A sad and all too typical sight no doubt. On them I see what may be little nuggets of one man’s wisdom, and maybe a question or two (hard to read). Some of it is crap, some of it is gold, that is up to you. Since none is really worthy of an article of its own, I locked them away in a Post-It note safe so to speak. I am now opening that safe — and the contents are spilling out. If something looks good to you, feel free to grab it.

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A WCAG 2.0 Implementation Site

Posted March 11th, 2008 by Mike Cherim

Over the past month I made mentiontwice — of a site I was creating that was specifically meant to serve as a practical example of what an accessible web site is supposed to be like and serve the needs of its owner. Since I don’t create anything but accessible sites as a rule, this project wasn’t really that different than any other project. Initially that was. At first it was a typical Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, WCAG 1.0 build, with a focus on meeting all of the priority 2 checkpoints, “AA,” but once word got out, the owner and some of those behind the WCAG 2.0 requested that I take it further.

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Making the WordPress Menu Smarter

Posted January 29th, 2008 by Mike Cherim

Why do this? Consistency, style, and usability. It’s a progressive enhancement.

It was almost a year ago that I published the article “Building a Dynamic WordPress Nav Menu” in which I described the how-to of my BeastBlog v2 theme’s navigation menu. I thought I’d revisit the subject since it’s been revisited through my projects lately. The menu’s gotten smarter. This won’t be needed on many sites, and WordPress blogs without “pages” wouldn’t need this, but on others it might be a nice enhancement. That’s your call.

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Finally… v.5

Posted September 23rd, 2007 by Mike Cherim

For the past month-and-a-half I’ve been dropping hints about a new site I’ve been working on. Well, it’s done, I’ve flipped the switch, and it’s gone live. I don’t usually post about my creations in my blog (that’s what my projects pages are for), but in this case I am. First of all it’s my company so I have a special attachment to it. Second, I really like it. Third, a number of people have expressed an interest in seeing it once it was done, and last, I made it from WordPress (with the BeastBlog v2 framework) — and if anyone ever questioned the ability of WordPress to be used as a Content Management System (CMS), this site should once and for all answer their question. I works nicely in this role.

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Getting Clever with WordPress Smilies

Posted September 19th, 2007 by Mike Cherim

The simplest markup is difficult for some people. It’s not that it’s hard (really, it’s not hard at all), but they are intimidated by the unknown. They suffer from FUD: Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. They may be worried about making a mistake and having their web site blow up and end up as some radioactive mushroom cloud, floating over the internet for all to witness. Of course we know these fears are unfounded, and we can even try to explain and simplify processes to the best of our ability, but often fear is deafening; a loud roar that blocks out reason. We are powerless to change this, but there are little things we can do if desperation and imagination are all that’s left.

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The Whatever Plugins for WordPress

Posted September 17th, 2007 by Mike Cherim

Set up is a breeze: Copy it. Save it. Load it. Activate it. Use it for whatever.

If you’ve ever wanted an extra page for whatever in your WordPress admin, this is one way to get your wish. On this page you’ll find two scripts for a couple of open-ended plugins. One is the Whatever plugin, and the second one will give you a head start by offering you a Whatever Links plugin script. To use these scripts, just follow the simple instructions at the end of this post. These plugins should work without a problem on all (see comments) current WordPress versions. The protected content these plugins afford could be had via a password protected post or page, but this is more convenient as there’s a single login only and it’s rights managed.

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WordPress Posting and Commenting Tips

Posted July 30th, 2007 by Mike Cherim

WordPress is smart — really smart — and I like that, but it requires the right input if you want to exercise its abilities. What follows are a few things I do to get the most out of WordPress’s highly professional desktop-like web publishing features. Many of the tips I will offer carry over to the commenting side as well, not just article posting. Please know that I am not using the Visual Rich Editor so while most of the posting tips will apply, they may not be all shared.

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