The following entries were made in the “November, 2005” time-frame.
Archive for “November, 2005”
Beast-Blog Wallpaper
Not sure if anyone’s interested in this sort of thing, but I made a “Beast-Blog” theme wallpaper for the desktop of your computer. To use this background just select one of the two sizes I’ve made available — 1024×768 or 800×600 — be sure to enlarge the image fully, then right click on it with your mouse (I don’t know how to do it otherwise without simply saving the image and setting it manually). Choose “Set as Wallpaper,” “Set as Background,” or “Use Image on Desktop,” depending on what browser you’re using. If you like this sort of thing… enjoy! If other sizes are wanted, just let me know and I’ll do ‘em up.
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Hidden Focal Navigation
Here on this web log and on any page on my website I employ hidden focal navigation, “skip links” or “jump links” and such. I do this for the benefit of people not enjoying a proper visual display because they are using screen readers or they’re keyboard users. The latter, the keyboard user, is a prime example of how this plays a role. You see, a person using their keyboard to get around a site jumps from anchor to anchor (link to link). Now imagine having to tab through a long list of links to get from point A to point B. What a drag that would be. Jump links allow users to bypass certain sections. So what’s the solution? One is to provide these jump links at the top of the page leading all the way to the first content heading or div
. I did this very thing at, top of each page, check it out. It works on that site. It fits. It doesn’t here, though… it wouldn’t look right. So what do I do, just forget about it, right? Some people will just have to deal, right? Wrong. The Jump Links are there, look again.
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Resisting the Urge
I changed the rules around here. The spam was getting a little foolish. Now, if you include a single link in your comments, the comment will now require a moderator’s approval. Sorry to all you legitimate posters out there. You will be approved quickly. I don’t want to discourage people from posting links, but with an average of three completely irrelevant links per comment was getting kind of annoying.
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GBCMS Mania (II)
How cool is this? I got an instant message from Jonathan Fenocchi last night in which he pointed me to his latest blog entry. I came to learn that apparently someone really likes the layout and CSS styling of our GreenBeast CMS Content Management System and the web page made to support it, and submitted it to the CSS-showcase site CSS-Mania.
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