Archive for “August, 2005”

The following entries were made in the “August, 2005” time-frame.

On and on goes the Book Baton

Posted August 12th, 2005 by Mike Cherim

I was just handed a “Book Baton” from Martin Neczypor, the man behind Neczy’s Blog. With it came a simple question: “Up for a meme?” My response must be obvious if you’re reading this. I took Martin up on the offer to take the baton and run with it for a bit so without further ado, here goes…

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GreenBeast CMS v.1.1

Posted August 7th, 2005 by Mike Cherim

Powered by GreenBeast CMSIt has taken a while, but I’m really quite pleased to announce the release of GreenBeast CMS Version 1.1. This marks the second phase of a fairly long-term three phase (plus) project which will culminate with the release of v.2.0 down the road a piece.

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Firefox Dominates

Posted August 6th, 2005 by Mike Cherim

Amazingly, Firefox users recently exceeded users of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer (MSIE) on one of my servers. This is not just one site on the server either. It’s all of them. Even the ones not out for review to the web development community (three are:,, and The numbers? Well, they are presently averaging as follows:

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