Archive for “March, 2005”

The following entries were made in the “March, 2005” time-frame.

Experts Perform Jaws Testing

Posted March 31st, 2005 by Mike Cherim

I would like to thank Tom Glasson and Steve Green of Test Partners Ltd., User Experience Experts, of the United Kingdom, for kindly testing v.2 with the Jaws screen reader and identifying the site’s issues.

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Chat Beast

Posted March 31st, 2005 by Mike Cherim

So he tells me: “Mike, check out what I’ve made in his usual modest way.” I do, and “Wow” is all I can say. The “he” I refer to is my friend Jonathan — who I consider a PHP guru of sorts. The thing he asks me to check out is a tidy little web application he made which he calls Chategory.

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Web Accessibilities

Posted March 28th, 2005 by Mike Cherim

“Web Accessibilities” is something you’ll see and hear more often nowadays as it pertains to web design. It’s becoming a popular way to differentiate oneself from the masses from a business perspective, of course, but it goes further. It’s about accommodation to your website visitors. Most developers, you see, haven’t really considered this, or at least as it concerns folks with disabilities. Many developers think access has do to with your average Joe being able to see the content. Some, the truly ignorant, don’t consider that much. They figure that if their website is viewable on Microsoft’s Internet Explorer then they’ve done their job.

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GBDC Permformance

Posted March 27th, 2005 by Mike Cherim

Since I wanted to make sure v.2 was accessible as possible, I extensively optimized the pages. The high-styles, like the default “Beast” style all run about the same. For that style I am posting the perfomrance numbers here, by page (Please note that optimum performance is 8 seconds or less at 56kbs.):

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SEO Optimization

Posted March 27th, 2005 by Mike Cherim

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is something which should be taken into consideration when focusing on accessibility. Not for the impaired visitor or anything like that, but for all visitors (access is access after all). To optimize a site for search engines and access the following should be considered, listed in no particular order as all are important:

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Allowable Exclusion?

Posted March 26th, 2005 by Mike Cherim

An interesting discussion is going on at the GAWDS Organization Web Site that I feel may be of interest here:

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Posted March 26th, 2005 by Mike Cherim

XHTML 1.0, or Extensible Hypertext Mark-up Language, is a reformulation of HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language) as an XML 1.0 (Extensible Mark-up Language) application. It is presently a working draft. The final will be XHTML 1.1. XML is an extremely simple dialect of SGML or Standard Generalized Markup Language. The goal is to enable generic SGML to be served, received, and processed on the Web in the way that is now possible with HTML. XML has been designed for ease of implementation and for interoperability with both SGML and HTML.

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GBDC & Standards

Posted March 25th, 2005 by Mike Cherim

On GBDC or I touch on web standards and how they are applied on that site. Here I will tell you more, in some detail, as that is was my “portfolio” site, whereas this site is for more lengthy discussion on these matters.

The big push nowadays is to separate the code or markup from the presentational styles. Want to see what I mean? Just look at the source code for You will find no tables organizing things and no font tags declaring the color or type-face. That’s all done on a separate — and very easy to change and maintain — document called a CSS.

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PHP is Not a Drug

Posted March 25th, 2005 by Mike Cherim

PHP is not a drug (even though it may sound like one, namely PCP, but it sure can be addictive. What with it can do for web design and development, its benefits and potential uses cannot be overlooked. Thus, once developers begin employing PHP in their web sites, it’s really difficult to stop.

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