Archive for “January, 2008”

The following entries were made in the “January, 2008” time-frame.

What’s Best for Web Standards?

Posted January 30th, 2008 by Mike Cherim

This page tested in... Firefox v87.0.1, Opera v110.1, Safari v91.6, oh, and, Internet Explorer v7 I’ve been reading the various facts and opinions (links at the end of the article) and the pros and cons about the plan proposed by Microsoft that will make “DOCTYPE Switch” obsolete beginning with the up-and-coming Internet Explorer 8 (IE8). This news has angered some standards-compliant web developers, while others are finally seeing light at the end of a seemingly endless tunnel — a tunnel filled with various IE versions of past and present partially blocking the way. Immediately I was against the idea, but I do see the good side of it, too, what with never having to deal with IE version fussing and constant updating again. And if other browser developers jump on board with this idea we will never have to update our sites again (yeah, sure, ha ha). Like a good sales pitch it has appeal. But maybe this is a surface sheen.

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Making the WordPress Menu Smarter

Posted January 29th, 2008 by Mike Cherim

Why do this? Consistency, style, and usability. It’s a progressive enhancement.

It was almost a year ago that I published the article “Building a Dynamic WordPress Nav Menu” in which I described the how-to of my BeastBlog v2 theme’s navigation menu. I thought I’d revisit the subject since it’s been revisited through my projects lately. The menu’s gotten smarter. This won’t be needed on many sites, and WordPress blogs without “pages” wouldn’t need this, but on others it might be a nice enhancement. That’s your call.

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The New Accessigooglability

Posted January 20th, 2008 by Mike Cherim

If you told someone they could lose weight if they quit smoking, would they be in the wrong or, worse, be a bad person, to quit smoking for the sole purpose of losing weight? Let’s examine: Losing excess weight is a good thing, and so is quitting smoking, right? So does their motivation leave something to be desired? I strongly suspect most of you wouldn’t care one way or the other. The net result will be the same, the benefits will be realized regardless of their reasoning, and nobody will be hurt by their choice. It’s seems that the motivation is actually sort of irrelevant.

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Inside a Microburst

Posted January 17th, 2008 by Mike Cherim

Boating in New England has provided some unparalleled experiences for my family and I. Some of these experiences were fantastic in the most positive sense. Others, though, scared us: stormy seas, rough passages, and even one emergency. But all of these experiences have something in common: they all gave us a broader view of life, on the ocean and off, and all taught us lessons we couldn’t have learned elsewhere. The following is an reprint of an article I wrote in 1998. It was formally published in Points East magazine in the summer of 1999. This is a true account.

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Accessible Web Developers on Facebook

Posted January 10th, 2008 by Mike Cherim

Facebook isn’t exactly an icon of web accessibility, but it doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for Accessible Web Developers, and that’s exactly the reason for this post. A couple of days ago I started an accessible web developers group — borrowing the name from my top-ten Ma.gnolia group — and I’m inviting you to join. And I’m also asking that you extend the invitation to your like-minded friends and colleagues. Already there’s an all-star membership, so you’ll be in good company.

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Hiding Content for Screen Reader Users

Posted January 7th, 2008 by Mike Cherim

This practice, while it does carry risks, like most things we do, can be successful, but it must be used intelligently and in moderation.

My friend and colleague, Mel Pedley, brought up a point recently — as we were discussing a site being graded at Accessites — about hiding text for screen reader users using an “offset class,” where one uses absolute positioning to send the element outside the viewport, usually by thousands of pixels. Our grading discussions are under lock and key, available to the team members and site submitter only, so there’s no sense providing a link, but here’s an excerpt:

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Secure and Accessible Contact Form v3

Posted January 1st, 2008 by Mike Cherim

GBCF-vs Demo Site) I’m happy to announce the availability of version three of my GBCF-v3 Secure and Accessible Contact Form. It offers a ton of improvements over version two in the areas of perfected error management, easy language adaptability, passive set-up validation assistance — so the script can be tested before putting it on your site — security, usability, powerful flexibility, and enhanced accessibility. On this last front two notable features include: the form’s ability to automatically adapt to the user’s preferences maintaining the semantics and accessibility and; the form’s refined usage of labels and legends to make the experience of using the form a smart one for screen reader users.

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